Voca 테스트 (13)
수능, 공무원 시험을 비롯한 각종 영어시험에서 출제되는 어휘와 독해문제들을 쉽게 풀 수 있도록 문맥 속에서 어휘의 의미를 제대로 파악할 수 있는 훈련을 제공합니다.
1. Unless the agreement contains a provision for a United Nations peace-keeping force to patrol the borders, the General Assembly is not likely to ratify it.
(A) baffle
(B) claw
(C) auction
(D) sign
2. When Joan of Arc described her vision, her voice did not hesitate.
(A) amplify
(B) falter
(C) dissolve
(D) mumble
3. The cost of living in the United States has risen at a rate of 6 percent per year during the last ten-year period.
(A) tenth
(B) century
(C) decade
(D) quarter
정답 및 해설
1. (D) sign
To ratify means to officially approve a treaty or contract by signing or voting for it. Choice (A) means to confuse or frustrate. Choice (B) means to scratch. Choice (C) means to sell at auction.
해석: 협정에 유엔 평화유지군이 국경을 순찰한다는 조항이 포함되어 있지 않다면 유엔 총회는 이를 비준할 가능성이 없다.
2. (B) falter
To falter means to hesitate, especially because of indecision or inability. Choice (A) means to increase. Choice (C) means to decrease. Choice (D) means to speak indistinctly.
해석: 잔 다르크가 그녀의 비전을 설명했을 때 그녀의 목소리는 주저하지 않았다.
3. (C) decade
A decade is a period of ten years. Choice (A) is the ordinal number ten. Choice (B) is a one-hundred-year period. Choice (D) is a period of three months.
해석: 미국의 생활비는 지난 10년 동안 매년 6%씩 증가했다.
4. Primary education in the U.S. is compulsory.
(A) free of charge
(B) required
(C) excellent
(D) easy
5. During the Great Depression, there were many wanderers who traveled on the railroads and camped along the tracks.
(A) vagabonds
(B) tyros
(C) zealots
(D) veterans
6. The Civil War in 1863 cut the United States into two nations—a southern Confederacy and a northern Union.
(A) severed
(B) acknowledged
(C) integrated
(D) alienated
정답 및 해설
4. (B) required
Compulsory means required. Choice (A) means gratis. Choice (C) means superior. Choice (D) means not difficult.
해석: 미국의 초등교육은 의무교육이다.
5. (A) vagabonds
A vagabond is a wanderer. Choice (B) is a beginner. Choice (C) is a fanatic. Choice (D) is a retired soldier.
해석: 대공황 때는 철로를 따라 이동하고 철로를 따라 야영을 하는 방랑자들이 많았다.
6. (A) severed
To sever means to cut in two parts, especially as a result of force. Choice (B) means to recognize. Choice (C) means to mix. Choice (D) means to estrange.
해석: 1863년 남북 전쟁으로 미국은 남부 연방과 북부 연방이라는 두 국가로 분열되었다.
7. The National Institute of Mental Health is conducting far-reaching research to determine the psychological effects of using drugs.
(A) extensive
(B) prevalent
(C) refined
(D) tentative
8. In American football, the coach may shout to the captain to call time out.
(A) yelp
(B) growl
(C) bellow
(D) flounder
9. A monument was erected in memory of those who died in the disaster at Johnstown, Pennsylvania.
(A) prison
(B) skirmish
(C) cataclysm
(D) frontier
10. Martin Luther King detested injustice.
(A) recognized
(B) confronted
(C) suffered
(D) abhorred
정답 및 해설
7. (A) extensive
Extensive means far-reaching; comprehensive. Choice (B) means widespread. Choice (C) means attractive. Choice (D) means probable.
해석: 국립 정신 건강 연구소(National Institute of Mental Health)는 약물 사용의 심리적 영향을 확인하기 위해 광범위한 연구를 수행하고 있다.
8. (C) bellow
To bellow means to shout loudly. pleasing in character. Choice (A) means to bark. Choice (B) means to make a deep, guttural noise. Choice (D) means probable.
해석: 미식축구에서 코치는 주장에게 타임아웃을 하라고 소리칠 수 있다.
9. (C) cataclysm
A cataclysm is a disaster; a terrible event. Choice (A) is a jail. Choice (B) is a small battle. Choice (D) is an undeveloped region on the edge of a settled area.
해석: 펜실베니아주 존스타운에 참사를 당한 사람들을 추모하는 기념비가 세워졌다.
10. (D) abhorred
To abhor means to hate; to detest. Choice (A) means to identify. Choice (B) means to oppose. Choice (C) means to experience.
해석: 마틴 루터 킹은 불의를 싫어했다.